It’s not too late to find a summer school…

How to have the best summer ever!

The summer term has started and it is not too late to think about how to spend the best summer holiday ever. Do you want to make every one of those promise filled days count?

Read on for Academic Summer’s ( guide to having the best summer ever. 


One guaranteed way to make sure you remember your summer holiday is to travel. It doesn’t matter where you go or how you get there (be it a long haul flight or a 20 minute bus ride), the fun is in setting off. Traveling encourages you to develop new skills and learn about who you are. So travel, find a new place and a new perspective.

Make new friends

While you’re having the summer of your life, make sure you have some fantastic new friends to share it with! The easiest way to make new friends is to spend time with lots of new people. Whether you head to a summer school or summer camp, take up a new activity with likeminded people, go and find those people who will help you have an awesome summer.

This is what Hannah, 14, UK said about her experience at Academic Summer

“The boarding school experience is really cool. The tutors and the students have become like my family. The setting is beautiful – we are in the country side. We have a pool. It is lovely, you can walk around the campus through the parks and fields.”  More here.

With social media it’s easier than ever to stay in touch with people (and share the photos which will make you the envy of everyone you know)! and make those holiday friendships ones which last a lifetime.

Try something new

Our students tell us that stepping out of their comfort zone and trying something new is a sure way of taking their summer from exciting to exhilarating. There is a world of adventure out there and the summer holidays are the perfect time to explore it! Start small and try a new cuisine or jump in at the deep end and take up rock climbing! If you really want to make this the summer of new experiences then why not check out Academic Summer’s website: to discover just how much you can pack into one summer.

Look to your future

Do you know what you want to do with the rest of your life and how you’re going to get there? If you don’t, don’t panic, now is the perfect time to take steps towards your future. Whether you choose to gain practical experience by finding a work experience position or explore your academic interests with a summer class, you’ll look back on the time you spent exploring your career options this summer as the first step towards finding your dream vocation. So boost your CV, give yourself something extra to impress with at your university interviews and have fun while you do it!

Do some good

Doing something to help other people is a great way to make your summer count. If you study the IB program you will be familiar with the CAS (creativity, activity, service) program and how by giving back, you can grow as a person. From tutoring children in your favourite subject to joining a beach clean-up team to fundraising for a cause close to your heart, doing some good will make you feel great.


While you probably want to pack as much excitement as you can into your summer holiday, it’s important to find time to relax too. Lie on a beach with friends, go to a movie or dance the night away; but make sure you get enough sleep for tomorrow’s adventure, there’s only a few more weeks of summer!

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”  
Steve Jobs
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”
Mark Twain

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